This is step one of your skins’ journey to recovery from Cancer related issues

As an oncology certified esthetician, I find that the term oncology skincare gives people reason for pause. First, there is a curiosity about the nature of oncology safe skincare services and ultimately how and why they are necessary. Secondly, it can be an exhausting thought to have to navigate the world of getting yet another approval from your medical team to have something as simple as a skincare service and lastly there is a fear of going to someone and trusting that he/she has the appropriate training and experience to keep you safe during the treatment while at the same time addressing the issues happening on your skin. It seems sometimes it’s all too much and it’s easier to plan now to deal with it later.

With that said, l want to take you on a quick journey through the steps of an oncology safe skincare treatment with Sava Face and Body to show you just how simple the experience can be.


My intention is always to simplify my clients’ life and to add value by addressing and treating the most acute skin reactivity issues first. So let’s begin, the first step is  a phone consult where I find out what the current state of your skin issues are. We then schedule a time for the in-person skin analysis and treatment and I get busy getting any and all approvals from your medical team for you so you don’t have to worry about that.  All you have to do is arrive on the day of your treatment!

The goal during the initial treatment is to analyze and determine what needs to be addressed first to bring your skin back to a state of balance.  Using very gentle products from Hale and Hush, your skin will be cleansed, treated, hydrated and protected using a light and gentle touch and award winning products for compromised skin.  The goal is to keep it SIMPLE and to find out what your skin will tolerate and respond to.  The most common issues I see during  first visits are rashes, redness, very dry skin, thinning skin, hyper/hypo pigmentation.  All of these issues and more can be addressed with the correct products and protocols. As your skin begins to show signs of returning to a balanced state, we will discuss adding additional steps and new protocols into your future self-care treatments. It’s all about making sure your skin is ready for the next step!

After your initial treatment, I will customize a home care starter kit for your skin and explain exactly what you should do with it. The goal is to keep it simple yet effective.

At Sava Face & Body we offer a complimentary skin care consultation to answer questions about what products and skincare treatments are right for you.